How to cancel an Air France flight

Zorica Lončar

Have Air France flights booked but need to cancel?

If you’ve had a change of plans, we’ll show you how to cancel an Air France flight here in this handy guide.

We’ll cover everything from refunds to cancellation fees. And at the end, a handy tip for your holiday spending when you do finally jet off - the Wise debit card.

But for now, let’s focus on getting those Air France flights cancelled for you.

How to cancel a Air France flight - your options

The easiest way to cancel an Air France flight is online¹.

Head to the My Bookings page on the Air France website. To sign in, you’ll need the surname of the lead passenger and your booking reference. You’ll find this on your confirmation email, or e-ticket².

Here, you should be able to see your options for amending or cancelling your flights, along with any fees or charges.

Cancelling Air France flights by phone

If you prefer, you can call Air France customer services on +33 9 69 39 36 54¹ to discuss cancellation. Lines are available between 8am and 8pm everyday, and both English and French-speaking customer services staff are available¹.

But be aware that extra service fees may apply for changing bookings over the phone rather than online - we’ll look at these later.

Air France flight cancellation refunds

You’ll need to check the fare conditions of your ticket to see whether you can get a refund for a cancelled flight.

If so, you can request a voucher or refund online in the My Bookings section of the Air France website³.

Can you cancel an AirFrance flight within 24 hours?

Some airlines offer a 24-hour cooling-off period, during which you can cancel your booking and receive a full refund.

Air France doesn’t have any details about this on its website, so it may not offer such a policy. If it’s less than 24 hours since you booked, you can try making an enquiry with Air France customer services or have a look at your options in My Bookings.

Air France cancellation policy for Covid-19

As part of its Covid-19 policy, Air France has introduced flexible ticket policies. Depending when you booked and when you’re travelling, you may be able to cancel your booking with no service fees.

Here’s what you need to know⁴:

  • If you booked before 1st March 2022 for travel on or after 1st July 2022, you can cancel and receive a non-refundable voucher with which to book a new flight.
  • If you booked between 1st March 2022 and 28th June 2022, you will only be able to postpone rather than cancel your booking.
  • If you booked after 29th June 2022, you can cancel your booking in My Bookings - although change fees may apply.

Air France cancellation fees

Air France charges some service fees for when you amend or cancel a flight, depending on how you made the change to your booking.

There are no service fees if you cancel online or at the airport in advance of your flight. But otherwise, the following fees will apply:

Method of change/cancellationService fee⁵
Change made at the airport on departure day€15
Change made by phone or at an Air France ticket office€15
Refund requested at an Air France airport counter€20
Change requested by phone or at an Air France ticket office€20

If any other fees apply, you’ll be able to see these in My Bookings before going ahead with the cancellation.

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Sources used for this article:

  1. AirFrance - contact
  2. AirFrance - modify your flight
  3. AirFrance - refunds and travel vouchers
  4. AirFrance - refundable tickets
  5. AirFrance - booking fees

Sources checked on 01-Jul-2022.

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